A Brief Look at Christmas Bird Count 2024
Submitted by Ted Smith, Coeur d’Alene Audubon Chapter President
Coeur d’Alene Audubon completed its Christmas Bird Count (CBC) on Saturday, December 14th. I don’t have exact numbers yet but I can give an abbreviated report of what was reported during the after count potluck (several groups were yet to report in).
We had good numbers of birders out and we covered the 15 mile diameter circle, centered on the intersection of Ramsey and Prairie, fairly thoroughly. I believe our species count was in the upper 60s which is about average. There were no great surprises but we did find some interesting species like lesser black-backed gull, and Iceland (Thayer’s) gull. An interesting note was the number of red-breasted mergansers found on Lake Coeur d’Alene. Over 40 individuals were counted! Commonest species by number counted was probably Canada goose with over 2500 individuals tallied. We found 10 pine grosbeaks on Tubbs Hill, a species that is only reported on about 10% of our counts. Buteos were in abundance on the Rathdrum Prairie with just about every color phase of rough-leg and redtail you could imagine. One leucistic red-tailed hawk was especially striking. Strangely absent from count was ring-necked duck. We are hoping that the counters that worked Hayden Lake picked up some of the duck species we were missing on Lake CdA.
Several students from our last two Beginning Birding classes participated and said they thoroughly enjoyed themselves and learned a great deal. It was fun to see their enthusiasm and excitement. Look for a more detailed report in our January Newsletter.
Ted Smith, President Coeur d’Alene Audubon