Where to Bird in Shoshone County
Kings, Dobson Pass & Settler’s Grove Subloop-Kings Pass
Look for Pine Siskin, Red Crossbill, and American Dipper in winter and Vaux’s Swift in summer. Pacific Wren and Swainson’s Thrush prevalent at Settler’s Grove in summer.
Coeur d’Alene River upstream of Enaville
Try exploring both the main Coeur d’Alene River Road and Old River Road upstream of Enaville. You will travel through both private and public land (mostly US Forest Service) along this scenic riparian route. Travel as far as you you would like but stop often to bird at Sportsman’s access sites, hiking trails, day use or camping spots. The meandering river corridor is very popular for swimming, fishing, floating, and camping. Cell phone reception is spotty, so download maps or pickup a USFS map.
You might see Warblers like MacGillivray’s or Yellow or Townsend’s, Cedar Waxwings, Eastern Kingbirds, Western Tanagers, Common Mergansers, Osprey, Bald Eagles, Lazuli Buntings, goldfinch, woodpeckers, various owls, chickadees, and more.