The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is a citizen science tradition that began in 1900 in which volunteers across the Western Hemisphere participate in synchronized bird counts. This data collection effort has provided valuable insights into bird populations, distribution, and habitat health over time.
The CBC is open to all. That said, there is a specific methodology to the CBC. All Christmas Bird Counts are conducted between December 14 to January 5, inclusive dates, every year. Each circle compiler will choose a single calendar day within those dates and your CBC birding is done on only one calendar day for each circle. All participants must make arrangements with their local group to participate in advance of the count date.
Coeur d’Alene Audubon’s event is coordinated each year at our December chapter meeting—please plan to attend. If you are unable to attend the meeting and plan to participate, please contact us and we will get in touch with our local CBC Coordinator Doug Ward.
The day begins with an optional Kick-Off Breakfast at Michael D’s between 6 and 6:30 am, and ends with an optional Compilation Pot Luck, hosted by Theresa Potts starting at around 4:30 pm. Please contact Doug for Theresa’s address.
Visit National Audubon’s CBC Live tracker to see photos posted from others who are scouting for or participating in the Christmas Bird Count, and to upload your own photos.